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Get to Know Malcolm Smith, CPP

​Malcolm Smith, CPP, is the head of risk management for Qatar Museums and is the secretary for ASIS International’s Board of Directors.

Q. What risky thing have you done? How did it turn out?

A. Joining the military in 1983 to fight the Bush War in Namibia and Angola. During that period, young white South Africans were mandated to serve two years of military service. As a person of color, I was not obligated. But risking my life for a fight that was not really mine has paid off.

​Q. What advice do you give to new folks in the industry? 

A. Keep reinventing yourself to stay relevant.

Q. How did military service affect your professional career? 

A. My military career has paved the way to where I am today. In fact, that’s where my appetite for volunteering started.  

​Q. What does ASIS mean to you? 

A. To me, ASIS means knowledge sharing and building global connections, which are both what you know and who you know.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve gotten regarding your career? 

A. “You are as good as your last job.” This advice has helped me to stay grounded and open to continuous learning.
